Welcome to the blog!! Nearly halfway into January already, and the first episode of season 2 is in the bag. It's been an amazing experience so far. That, of course, is all thanks to my amazing followers, who download and listen to each episode and leave me such positive feedback. It makes it all so worthwhile.
When I had the idea to start my own podcast, the first thought that came into my head was, don't be ridiculous; you haven't a notion about anything to do with podcasting. But it's amazing the power we have at our fingertips these days. Youtube being the prime example, countless "how-to" videos later, I had given myself enough knowledge to get the idea of the ground. After much research, I bought my mixer and microphone and I was off ! June 2023, the month it all began.
I didn't know what to expect. I thought I'd be talking to myself, to be honest. Little did I know how wrong I would actually be. After a shaky start (background music-wise) and some tweaking with the help of some constructive criticism from my listeners, I was off!! The numbers keep growing with each podcast, and I keep learning with each podcast. So as I go on, I hope to keep improving, adding new content and projects to the mix. But at its core, Ireland Crimes and Mysteries will always be a true crime podcast, with the main agenda being telling the story, bringing the person to life, and reminding us all that they had a full life prior, they were loved, they had dreams, and they had a future.
What also makes this podcast worthwhile is being able to cover missing persons cases, give that person and their family a voice, tell their story, and keep their name out there. As I always say, all it takes is one person who's listening to have a memory trigger and remember something important that they had consigned to their subconscious years before. That could be the memory that cracks the case. If that only happened once, how amazing would that be?
So if you have a missing family member and you would like me to do a podcast about them, Feel free to contact me through the contact page on this website or email me at mscelticmarple@gmail.com.
Alternatively, if you are a true crime enthusiast and would like me to cover a particular story, let me know. I write all suggestions down and will get to them all eventually, I promise.
I'll be on here from time to time to bring you all up to speed. So, until next time.
Keep your eyes open and your mind curious!