Welcome to the Ireland Crimes and Mysteries Podcast page!!
Jan. 24, 2024

Working on the next Podcast !

Working on the next Podcast !

Here I am working on the next podcast, An interesting one. We will be delving into the 1958 murder of Moss Moore in Reamore, Kerry. I never knew about this story until I started doing the research and I find it fascinating. John B Keane must have been fascinated by it too as he loosely based the character " Bull McCabe" from his 1990 film 'The Field' around the main suspect in the murder. 

What I have found since I embarked on this true crime odyssey is the amount of historical crimes I never heard off that are out there is crazy. They are so interesting to research and I always find myself being transported back to a time in our history that I always thought was a simpler time. But to be honest I don't think such a time existed. Each century and decade came with its own problems and hardships for the people that lived in that time. No different from today. The way they dealt with crime may be different. Like investigation techniques, which were obviously more primitive the further back you go, but so were the punishments. 

What I'm learning is the crimes maybe more sophisticated today but they are harder to get away with, in most cases. But the emotion and sadness remains the same. 

We have covered the 1840s with "The Maamtrasna Murders" and more recently the 1890s with Bridget Cleary. So now we will be transported back to the 1950s and to rural Kerry and a murder that still has us asking.... Who and Why or does it? So stay tuned and I"ll keep you updated on how its progressing.

And as I said before, if you have any cases you would like me to cover in a future episode, drop me a message, either on here, via Email or on any of my social media platforms.

Have a great weekend and I'll be back next week.

Nules 😃